Online Archives

Obituary - Bess Jones

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Bess Jones, 91, a member of Metropolitan Memorial UMC, died Oct. 1. Her memorial service was held at Metropolitan Memorial UMC Oct. 10.

In an e-mail, Wesley President David McAllister-Wilson said: "It is with great sadness that I notify the Wesley community of the death of my friend and mentor Bess Jones. "Her death came on the actual anniversary of the first day of classes and first chapel service at this campus 50 years ago.

"Bess was a member of the seminary staff in 1958 and was here on Tuesday (Sept. 30) to celebrate that anniversary. It is now clear to me that it was by sheer will that Bess was able to be with us at the service.

"How blessed Wesley has been to have her as such an outstanding and faithful member of the Wesley community these past 50 years!

"Recruited by Dr. Trott, Bess described her move to Wesley's staff as her response to her "call to ministry." Bess served four Wesley presidents as administrative assistant and Director of Public Relations and then Director of Development from 1966 to 1982.

"Bess has often been called Wesley's best "friend raiser," bringing many friends into the Wesley community who continue to be among Wesley's most generous donors."

Her husband died in 1985. She is survived by one son and two grandsons.


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