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Obituaries - October 2, 2013 - Rev. Callie Matthews

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By Maidstone Mulenga

The Rev. Callie Marita Matthews died Oct. 2, 2013, from a recurrence of breast cancer and cardiac arrest. A Celebration of Life service was held at Asbury Broadneck UMC Oct. 8. Bishop Marcus Matthews and District Superintendent Joe Daniels presided. Also participating were the Revs. A. Stephen Tillett and Roberta Matthews, and Pastors Karen Johnson and Sheryl Menendez. Paying tribute were Laura Neuman, Anne Arundel County Executive, and the Mayor of Annapolis, Joshua Cohen.

Callie Marita Emma Johnson was born April 26, 1946, in Washington, D.C. to the late Rev. Clarence and Margaret Thomas Johnson. She raised in Annapolis in a minister’s family that was deeply rooted in the Asbury Broadneck UMC.  After graduating from Wiley Bates High School, she went to American University and  Master’s Degree in Human Services from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. She earned her M.Div. from Howard University School of Divinity in 2000. She was ordained as an Elder in The United Methodist Church in 2004.

She and Robert Matthews married in 1965. They had five children, including a set of twins.

Callie Matthews was the chair of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry, a position she had served for three years. Prior to her Colesville appointment in 2009, which she was serving at the time of her death, she served Asbury UMC in Jessup from 2001-2005, and was the first female pastor of Mt. Zion UMC in Annapolis from 2005 to 2009.

Her lifetime professional interest was in the field of human services, where she advocated and worked with children, youth, teen parents and the marginalized in society, both inside and outside the churches she served. She liked working with those she called “the least, the lost, and the left out.” She had “a heart for the down trodden and reached out to those outside the church,” said Jennifer Morrill, the church administrator.

In 2006, as an Anne Arundel County community leader, she received an award at the Fifth Annual RESPECT awards dinner for her work addressing issues affecting the African-American community.

With her husband she co-owned and helped to manage a transportation service for the past 12 years, the Annapolis Cab Company, Inc. At different times, they co-owned and operated a restaurant on the Eastern shore, an aquatic fish store and an art gallery. She had also worked as a trainer/consultant for a micro-enterprise program that provides technical assistance to new and future business owners.

Matthews loved doing things with her grandchildren, enjoying nothing more than some time at the beach with them.

Survivors include her husband of 48 years; daughters Eshe Femi Matthews and Carrie Matthews-Brown; and sons Derek G., Robert William and Kizza R. Matthews;a step daughter, Michael Matthews; and eight grandchildren.

Condolences may be sent to Robert Matthews, 202 Brown Woods Road, Annapolis, MD 21409-5906.


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