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Obituaries - August 19, 2009 - Rev. Julian Otis Grayson

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Rev. Julian Otis Grayson

The Rev. Julian Otis Grayson, 94, a retired Elder, died June 28 at his home in Washington, D.C. The Rev. Eva L. Clark officiated at a memorial service July 3 at Randall Memorial UMC.

Grayson was licensed to preach in 1953. His ministry was to Carroll Chapel in 1955, Chicamuxen, 1957 to 1962, Colesville from 1964 to 1968, when he was briefly appointed to Good Hope Union. In 1972 he became associate at Calvary UMC in Washington, D.C., and a year later began serving at Randall Memorial UMC. He remained there nine years until 1982. During his Randall appointment the educational building was added.

Grayson’s first wife, Erma Grayson, died in 1969. They had no children. In 1979, he married Edna Hickman, also a widow. They were married at Randall Memorial, which he was serving at the time.

A tribute to Grayson was entered into the Congressional Record Dec. 11, 1995, by Sen. Robert Dole, praising him for his service as a waiter in the Senate. Grayson had moonlighted from 1950 to 1964, at which time he stopped waiting tables to devote to fulltime ministry. Then after he retired, he returned to the Hill and remained there until 1995.

The senator’s words as recorded say in part: “On this last day of service, Grayson spoke with pride about waiting on seven Presidents of the United States (during four different decades), and he said that the Senate was ‘almost a second home to me.’ The high regard in which Grayson is held by all Senators could be seen when our entire Republican caucus gave him a standing ovation at our policy lunch several weeks ago.”

Dole was joined in a comment by Senator Lincoln Chafee, which said in part, “It was my privilege to know him. … He certainly served this Senate and everybody in this Senate with great efficiency and respect and obvious enjoyment.”

A step-child predeceased him.

Survivors include his wife Edna H. Grayson, two step-children, Lucille Hickman and Louis Hickman, and four grandchildren.

Condolences may be sent to his wife, Edna Grayson, 4041 Clay Place, NE, Washington, DC 20019.



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