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Obituaries - August 16, 2011 - Marjorie Logan Wolf

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Marjorie Logan Wolf, 96, the wife of the late Rev. Harold Wolf, died Aug. 16, 2011, in Altoona, Fla. A funeral was held Aug. 20 in Altoona.

Marjorie Logan married Harold Wolf in 1933, the same year he entered the United States Air Force Technical School. She was a military wife. He was a veteran of WW II, and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel after 24 years. They had two children.

Harold Wolf entered seminary almost immediately. He served several churches. After 24 years of military service, she had honed her skills as a housewife moving many times, so the many moves she made as her husband served various appointments during the next 17 years were commonplace. She served with him at Gorsuch in Washington, D.C., from 1959-60; Fort Washington Forest, 1961-63; Davidsonville, 64-66; then Hancock UMC, where he remained until 1975 and retired in 1976.

The Wolfs moved to Florida in 1977, where he continued serving a church as a visitation minister for a couple years. They lived in Altoona, Fla., where he died in 2002.

Marjorie Wolf was predeceased by a daughter, Barbara Wolf Peterson, who died in 2002, two months before her father.

Survivors include her son, Ronald C.Wolf of Perry Hall, four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Condolences may be sent to Ronald Wolf, 7 Silver Hill Court, Perry Hall, MD 21228.


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