Online Archives

Obituaries: 3/2/05

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The Rev. Susan Thomas-Azud

The Rev. Susan Thomas-Azud, 49, pastor of Graceland UMC in Baltimore, died Feb. 11, from complications due to neurotoxin poisoning. A funeral service was held Feb. 16, at Back River UMC in Essex. Bishop John R. Schol and district superintendents the Revs. Anthony Hunt and Mark Derby participated in the service with the church's pastor, the Rev. David Deans.

The service of death and resurrection was created by Thomas-Azud's good friend, the Rev. Loretta Viner. The superintendents from all districts were in attendance as were all clergy from the Baltimore-Harford District. About 250 people attended in support of her family, in a sanctuary that holds about 140, Deans said.

Prior to her appointment to Graceland UMC in 2003, Thomas-Azud had served Solomons Charge from 1980-1985, and Back River UMC from 1985-1994 when she was appointed to William Waters Memorial in Jarrettsville. She moved to the Martinsburg Enlarged Charge in 2002.

Thomas-Azud was born in the Philippines to a military family and grew up in many places. She began hearing her call to ministry as a teenager at United Methodist churches she attended in the Clinton area. She was a graduate of Duke Divinity School and was ordained an elder in 1981.

Her marriage to William Azud ended in divorce.

Survivors include her two sons, Andrew Thomas-Azud (22) of Laurel, and Luke Thomas-Azud (17) in the parsonage of Graceland UMC; and sister Barbara Thomas.

Condolences may be sent c/o Barbara Thomas, 582 Welbrook Road, Baltimore, MD 21221.

Memorial contributions may be made to the National Kidney Foundation of Maryland, 1107 Kenilworth Drive, Suite 202, Baltimore, MD 21204, or to the Wise Avenue Volunteer Fire Company, 214 Wise Ave., Dundalk, MD 21222, where her son Luke is a volunteer.

Rev. Albert Clifton Burton

Rev. Albert Clifton Burton,71, a member of the Baltimore-Washington Conference from 1960 to 1982, died from heart failure Feb. 2, at his home in Rock Hall. He was a member of the Peninsula-Delaware Conference. A funeral service was held at Rock Hall UMC Feb. 5.

Burton served St. James UMC in West Friendship for 15 years from 1966 to 1981. He received the conference 'Church of the Year' award while he was there. Prior to that he had been at Shepherdstown for three years and served a short stint as campus minister at Baltimore Center in 1965. He was appointed to Trinity UMC in Martinsburg in 1981 and stayed there less than two years before transferring to the Peninsula-Delaware Conference.

He and Helen Sims married in 1959. Her love of the fishing community of Rock Hall and the Chesapeake Bay drew them and their two sons back there in 1982.

In the Peninsula-Delaware Conference, he served Rock Hall UMC from 1983-1987, and from 1988 to 1994 he was at Union UMC in Bear, Del. He retired in 1995. He then served at Calvary UMC in Marydel for nearly six years.

Burton had a creative ministry of reenacting Bishop Francis Asbury, and at each church he served in both conferences he portrayed Asbury in the context of that church. Rock Hall is historically known as where George Washington crossed from Annapolis to Philadelphia and he also portrayed that event.

Two sons preceded him in death, Brant Burton in 1985 and Bradley Burton in 1987.
Surviving is his wife, Helen Sims Burton. Condolences may be sent to her at P.O. Box 458, Rock Hall, MD 21661.

Memorial funds may be designated for the Rock Hall Fire Department, c/o Frosti Glad U, P.O. Box 13, Rock Hall, MD 21661.

The Rev. J. Howard 'Howie' Link

The Rev. J. Howard 'Howie' Link, 90, died Feb. 5. There was no funeral or memorial service at his request. Instead, family and friends celebrated his life last October.

Link was ordained in 1944 and for 30 years served in the Peninsula Conference. He had been in the Baltimore Conference for a year before transferring to the Peninsula Conference, then returned in 1973. He was appointed to Back River UMC. In 1976 he moved to the Clarksburg Charge for two years, then to Trinity UMC in Cumberland. He retired in 1980.

Retirement did not end his ministry. He continued serving churches in the Peninsula-Delaware Conference until five years ago when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Altogether he was active for 61 years, said his wife Jane Link.
' He had the best humor and wit of anyone you ever met,' she said, 'and he kept it to the end.'

Survivors include his wife of 32 years; their daughter Cynthia Johnson of Denton, and son David Harrison of Simi Valley, Calif. Survivors also include John Jeffrey Link of Waiphaku, Hawaii, and Kathi Whitten of Sterling, Va., from a first marriage; nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Condolences may be sent to Jane Link, 126 Hollywood Beach Road, Chesapeake City, MD 21915.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Northern Chesapeake Hospice Foundation, P.O. Box 2332, Elkton, MD 21922-2332.


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