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Now is the time to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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SEPT 6, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 16




Now is the time to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 has been designated as Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States.

With the growing number of Hispanic/Latinos in the United States and the Baltimore-Washington Conference, now more than ever is a wonderful opportunity for United Methodist congregations to come in contact with our Hispanic/Latino brothers and sisters that often live and work just around the corner from their parishes.

In the 2000 Census for the state of Maryland, for example, 4.3 percent of the population was noted as Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin. The population of the state was 5,296,486, according to census information, meaning that there were approximately 227,000 Hispanic and Latino people living in Maryland.

By comparison, recent statistical data show that more than 8 percent of the population in Washington, D.C., are of Hispanic or Latino heritage.

Hispanic Heritage Month was established several years ago by the National Council of La Raza to help communities celebrate the enormous contributions that Latinos have made and continue to make to our society. Hispanic/Latinos come from all walks of life and bring with them a rich and diverse culture. 

One way you and your congregation can consider celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is by assisting Hispanic Ministries in our conference by designating a special gift or offering to help developing and emerging Hispanic and Latino congregations.

Starting Sept. 15, congregations can help celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by doing one or all of the following:

  • Include a Hispanic hymn from our United Methodist Hymnal in the Sunday morning worship service;
  • Put up a display in the church on Hispanic/Latino Culture;
  • Invite someone either from the conference or from the community to come and speak to the congregation or Sunday School class about the Hispanic /Latino community;
  • Invite Volunteers In Mission members who have served in Latin American countries to come and share their experience;
  • Have a Latin American food fellowship after church, or during a special time in your service;
  • Take a Sunday School class or confirmation class to one of our Hispanic/Latino Ministries in the conference. These ministries include:

Baltimore Hispanic Ministries the Rev. Fidel Compres (410) 276-1660;

Gaithersburg Community of Faith the Rev. David Rocha (240) 731-9450;

Bethesda Hispanic Ministries the Rev. Brindice Munoz (301) 907-4831;

First Church Hyattsville Hispanic Ministries the Rev. Miguel Balderas (301) 927-6133;

Silver Spring Hispanic Ministries Colesville UMC (301) 384-1941, the Rev. Lydia Munoz-Caraballo;

Casa del Pueblo the Rev. John MAkwala and the Rev. Bernardo Laurenco (202) 332-3422

Churches and congregations are also encouraged to contact me, the Conference Coordinator on Hispanic/Latino Ministries, for further ideas and suggestions. Call (410) 290-7304.

The Rev. Willie Caraballo-Lopez is the conference coordinator of Hispanic/Latino Ministries.

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