PARKTON ? After Thursday dinner is over at Mt. Carmel UMC, the volunteers with the Baltimore County Christian Work Camp, meeting for the 22nd year July 17-22, will be invited to 'swing,' as they have for many years. The after-work activity with their host, Bill Anacker, a member of the church, is a favorite 'and draws the biggest crowd,' said Barbara 'Bobbi' Franklin. Anacker is a local fixture who, at 86, is still hanging tree swings of every description throughout the county. The front yard of his 23-acre wooded property is a showcase for swings, some 15 hanging outside and another five inside. Tire swings, bucket swings, two-seaters, porch swings, hammock swings, rope swings, seesaw swings, reported Joe Sugarman in Style Magazine. Anacker invites potential new customers to try out the swings. 'The adults enjoy swinging almost as much as our grandchildren and the neighborhood children,' Franklin said. |
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