CHEVY CHASE ? In April, Jackie Phillips, a member at Chevy Chase UMC, joined 12 others from New York and the Southeast Jurisdiction on a Volunteers in Mission trip to Cuba. Jackie Phillips | The United Methodist Church in Camp Cannan, Cuba, was the center of activities for a VIM team. |
The group worked in Camp Cannan, a Methodist meeting facility, in central Cuba. The property is being developed with apartments for retired pastors, who are not eligible for housing under the Communist government. VIM teams have built a 400-seat church and dining pavilion. 'It is the only place in Cuba where any Christian denomination can have a large meeting and the first new religious building in 40 years,' Phillips said. 'The Cuban Methodist church is growing and is making a joyous noise,' she said. Phillips is available to speak about her experience. She can be contacted at
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