Courtesy Susan Marseilles The Rev. Joye Jones, left, participated in a 90th anniversary celebration at Idlewyld UMC?s burning of the mortgage, with the Rev. Susan Marseilles, and Gary Huettner, chairman of the building committee. BALTIMORE ? On June 12, Idlewylde UMC celebrated its 90th anniversary with a burning of the mortgage and the dedication of its narthex, marking the completion of a $225,000 renovation that makes the church handicapped accessible. The fact the church is located in a historic district slowed down the process for months as members went through the hoops for permission to build, said the Rev. Susan Marseilles. Members of the church were first motivated to make the changes ? building the narthex to accommodate an elevator, building a ramp and improving the stairs ? when a great-grandmother wanted to attend a baptism. She was in a wheelchair and had to be carried into the sanctuary. ?That was the catalyst,? Marseilles said. |
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