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News From Across The Conference: Black clergywomen receive recognition

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BALTIMORE - The Rev. Jacqulyn Thorpe was one of 15 black clergywomen whose ?Ministerial Milestones? were celebrated by the conference?s Black Clergywomen, a part of the Black Methodists for Church Renewal organization, during lunch at annual conference. An estimated 60 clergywomen attended the luncheon, said the Rev. Andrea King who leads the group.

Some of the clergywomen and their achievements included: Mamie Williams, moving from district superintendent to head the jurisdictional Multi-Cultural Center; Roberta Matthews for reaching retirement; Stacey Cole-Wilson who has a new baby; Sandra Demby for the 10-years in ministry milestone; Joan Carter-Rimbaugh as the first black woman appointed as a senior pastor (to First UMC, Hyattsville); Sonya King for her first appointment; and Diane Dixon-Proctor for her 20 years in ministry milestone.

Thorpe, who received her Ministerial Milestone award in the mail, was recognized for being published in two denominational publications this past year, a teen Bible study by the United Methodist Publishing House, and ?Junior Scholar, 2005? for older elementary age children by the African Methodist Episcopal Church.


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