BALTIMORE - Mt. Winans, Ames and Sharp Street United Methodist churches, members of the 25-year-old community-based organization CHAMP ? Community Health Awareness and Monitoring Program ? sponsored a physical fitness project called Health Freedom Walk. It?s a way to help people free themselves from the bondage of a sedentary lifestyle and become more active, explained Ina Glenn-Smith, project coordinator, and at the same time ?learn about Maryland?s role in the historic Underground Railroad.? About 500 people traveled the path to wellness along parts of the Underground Railway at St. Mary?s Park in Baltimore May 7 and at Sandy Spring State Park June 18. Participants walked one, three or six-mile routes. Each participant received the name of an abolitionist or former slave to walk in honor of. In Sandy Spring, the path was one Oprah Winfrey traveled as she trained for her part in the movie, ?Beloved,? Glenn-Smith said. |
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