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News Briefs: Youth help fight cancer

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- The youth group of Pine Grove UMC participated in the American Cancer Society?s Relay for Life June 17 and 18, held at the Oregon Ridge Park in Cockeysville.


The American Cancer Society holds 3,000 Relays across the United States. ?This is the sixth year in this area,? said Kathy Hannibal, youth leader at Pine Grove. ?We?ve participated every year.?

Ten youth and four adults joined many others in the overnight walk, following a track illuminated with luminaria, each one lit in memory or honor of someone with cancer.

The 20-member youth group and their parents raised $3,080 since they began raising money for the Relay in January, selling pit beef barbecues, washing cars and baking cookies for cookie walks, as well as selling the luminaria. During the six years they have been part of the Relay for Life, they have raised about $17,000, Hannibal said.


                                                                  -Across the Conference is compiled 
and written by Linda Worthington



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