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News Briefs: Local seminarians awarded scholarships

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? Among 10 seminarians to receive the 2005-2006 Georgia Harkness Scholarships this year are two from the Baltimore-Washington Conference who attend Wesley Theological Seminary. Marian Sams Crane also received the $5,000 award last year. Also receiving it this year is Cynthia M. Moore, a Baltimore resident.

, in her second year, is a middle school psychologist who heeded the call to ministry six years ago. She works part-time as a student pastor at St. Matthews UMC in Baltimore (Highlandtown) and is the daughter of the Rev. Maurice Moore who retired in 2002.

The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry gives the scholarships in memory of the life and service of Georgia Harkness (1871-1974), to women over 35 who are preparing for ordained ministry in The United Methodist Church as a second career.

?Georgia Harkness fought tirelessly for the right for women to have full clergy membership in the Methodist Church,? said the Rev. Marion Jackson, director of continuing education for ministry at GBHEM.


                                                                  -Across the Conference is compiled 
and written by Linda Worthington



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