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News Briefs: Hands on quilt tells story

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FREDERICK ? When the Rev. Terri Rae Chattin was welcomed as the new district superintendent of the Frederick District Sept. 11, she was presented with a quilt of hands. Each church was invited to send a quilt square depicting the hand print of someone from the congregation. The squares were sewed together to make the quilt.

Trinity UMC offered a unique square ? the piece included two hands, that of the oldest member of the church and the newest.

The baby hand?s image was of Bella Carter who was baptized June 26. It was resting on the much larger hand of Ethel Dixon, 104 years old, a member of the church since 1959.

'Consider all the hands that are in-between them,' wrote the Rev. Harold 'Chip' Wright in the Cloverleaf, '104 years? worth of hands reaching out, touching, holding, caring, serving, loving, worshiping, making disciples for Jesus. And somewhere in there ? is the hand of God, leading us, gbwc_superusering us, blessing us ? for all eternity.' 

                                                                  -Across the Conference is compiled 
and written by Linda Worthington



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