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News Briefs: GBCS young adult interns visit Baltimore

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BALTIMORE ? As part of its eight-week Ethnic Young Adult Internship Program, the 12 interns at the General Board of Church and Society spent July 15 in Baltimore, thanks to arrangements made by Baltimore-Harford district superintendent, the Rev. Tony Hunt.

'The Baltimore-Washington Conference is the only conference to host so many interns placed in Congressional, faith-based and grassroots advocacy settings,' said the Rev. Neal Christie, assistant general secretary of GBCS.

While he was director of the Northeast Jurisdictional Multi-Ethnic Center, Hunt took the GBCS interns to various conference sites. On their Baltimore trip, one of the weekly 'Friday seminars,' the young adults from eight conferences and the Methodist Church of South Africa, toured Lovely Lane UMC and museum and met with the NAACP Baltimore City Branch president, Marvin Cheatham, Sr.

                                                                  -Across the Conference is compiled 
and written by Linda Worthington



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