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News Briefs: Campus ministry awarded for program

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FROSTBURG ? Frostburg State?s United Campus Ministry received the 2004-2005 award for Outstanding Cultural Programming Efforts at the close of the school year.

The Rev. Larry Neumark, UCM?s Protestant chaplain, accepted the award, which acknowledged a unique campus/community event entitled, 'Jews, Christians and Muslims: Cooperation or Confrontation?' Imam Yahya Hendi, Muslim chaplain from Georgetown University, spoke before a large crowd of students and community residents at the Palace Theatre in Frostburg.

'We like to believe that this kind of program can foster an increase in tolerance and a decrease in stereotypes in our frequently fragmented world. We try to make a difference,' Neumark said.

United Campus Ministry has been recognized by the university on several other occasions, including naming it 'Religious Organization of the Year.' 

                                                                  -Across the Conference is compiled 
and written by Linda Worthington



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