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New superintendents announced

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: News
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August 18, 2004


VOL. 15, NO. 15


New superintendents announced


The Rev. C. Anthony Hunt has been appointed to serve as superintendent of the Baltimore-Harford District.

Since January 1998, Hunt has served as the executive director of the Northeastern Jurisdiction's Multi-Ethnic Center for Ministry, based in Columbia.

From 1992 to 1998 he was senior pastor of Ames UMC in Bel Air and served in many leadership roles in the Baltimore-Washington Conference and at the jurisdictional and general church levels.

A native of Washington, D.C., he resides in Bel Air with his wife Lisa and their three children — Marcus, 17, Kristen, 12 and Brian, 10.

Hunt is excited about the new appointment working with the people of the Baltimore-Harford District. 'It is my hope that, together, we will encourage spiritual growth among the laity and clergy in the churches. Furthermore, I hope to facilitate the ongoing implementation of processes to promote congregational vitality and growth through mission evangelism, stewardship development and leadership development in our churches,' he said.

The Rev. Mark Derby, the current superintendent of the Baltimore-Harford District, has been selected to serve the Washington West District, a position vacated when the Rev. Marcus Matthews was elected bishop.


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