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New initiatives boost clergy health

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UM clergy are not as health as the general population. The church is now out to fix that.



God had to break his heart before Bishop James Swanson started taking better care of himself.

Serious soul searching and prayer have resulted in Swanson losing 30 pounds, turning him into a man who walks three times a week, eats more leafy vegetables, drinks more water and consumes three servings of dairy products a day.

Swanson is one of many spiritual leaders leading healthier lives because of new United Methodist clergy health initiatives ranging from in-depth studies to a reward program for physical activity.

Swanson's turning point came in June 2008 when the Episcopal Leadership Forum of Duke Divinity School arranged for him and other bishops to receive health assessments and coaching sessions in Memphis, Tenn., at the Church Health Center, an organization with a strong preventive medicine component.

"I discovered that I have diabetes," said Swanson, episcopal leader of the Holston Annual Conference. The life coach "talked about my responsibility not to shortchange my family or my church."

Swanson is not alone in his health journey.

Studies show that the health of United Methodist clergy is worse than average in many categories.

A 2008 Duke Divinity School study found that rates of diabetes, arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure and obesity were much higher for United Methodist pastors in North Carolina than for the state's overall population.

The rate of depression for pastors is roughly double that of the U.S. population, the study found, and there is a strong relationship between depression and physical health, greater feelings of social isolation, critical congregants and financial stress.

The study was part of Duke's seven-year, $12 million Clergy Health Initiative that began in 2007. A pilot program in 2009 includes 85 pastors who receive health coaching and financial resources for lifestyle changes.

Delegates to the 2008 United Methodist General Conference, the church's top legislative body, passed a series of health-related petitions, include a plan to study the effects church systems have on the health of clergy and bring possible recommendations to the 2012 General Conference.

A 17-member church systems task force convened by the United Methodist Board of Pension and Health Benefits and the Board of Higher Education and Ministry met in Chicago in October.

They identified 13 factors that negatively impact clergy health, including struggling to maintain a healthy diet, difficulty with work/life balance, job dissatisfaction, lack of outside interests, troubled relationships with the congregation, stresses of the appointment process, and problems with family and finances.

The report can be found online at

The next step for the task force is to assess potential modifications to the employment systems and culture of the church to support clergy health.

"The long-term health of the denomination depends on our ability to rebuild our system's ability to hold each other accountable for practicing healthy patterns in all parts of the system," said the Rev. Mary Ann Moman, a Higher Education and Ministry staff executive.

Another major initiative for the denomination is the Center for Health, created by the Board of Pension and Health Benefits in September 2008. One of the center's main programs is the Virgin HealthMiles walking program, available to HealthFlex-covered groups in 29 conferences, including the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

Participants wear free pedometers to record their activity, upload the data to a secure Web site, and accumulate HealthMiles to earn up to $300 a year.

More than 43 percent of HealthFlex members have enrolled in the VHM program and groups outside of HealthFlex can now join the program.

Noreen Orbach, managing director of Health and Welfare Plan Services for the pensions agency, said the high enrollment gives "an indication that this program will truly improve the health of those who serve The United Methodist Church."

Swanson supports these efforts to assist clergy in addressing their health.

"You made a vow you would be faithful to the Lord," he advised. "One of the places you need to be faithful is stewardship of your own body. ... Pastors who are fit have vitality."


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