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'New Hope' is born in Brunswick

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While it may be a new congregation, New Hope UMC of Greater Brunswick has more than 375 years of history in the community.

The congregation, which was created Jan. 7, is made up of members from First UMC and New York Hill UMC.

The idea for merger wasn?t new. It had been voted down 20 years ago. But when the Rev. Vicky Starnes became pastor of the parish two years ago, members began mentioning the idea of merger to her. They began seriously considering it early in 2006 and met in focus groups to discuss what they wanted and what they saw as God?s vision for their future.

A merger study committee was formed.

'We kept the congregations aware of where God was pointing our leaders,' said Terry Alger, director of youth and children ministries. 'We discovered the signs and wonders that God was working in our midst.'

'We looked at four aspects: logistical, financial, legal and spiritual,' said Barbara Shew, who chaired the merger study group.

One of the many topics they discussed was how the buildings would be used. First UMC had celebrated its 150th anniversary two years ago, and many of the member families had attended the church for many generations. It was their home.

Another part of moving toward merger was to hold a joint missions trip to Kentucky during the summer. The missions group was made up of people from both churches, ranging in age from 13 to 60. It proved to be 'a tremendous experience,' Shew said. 'It showed we could do this together. We could go beyond being two separate groups.'

After the merge study committee presented its findings to the congregations, each one voted separately to merge at a Charge Conference Sept. 17. They also decided they needed a new name.

'It was important to include our hope for the future and the area we serve in our new name,' Alger said. As 'New Hope' and 'Brunswick' moved to the top of the list of names, the administrative council, made up of members of both churches, voted to put the two together, and New Hope UMC of Greater Brunswick was born.

Over the next several months, the two congregations said goodbye to their separate buildings. They made the decision to worship together, for the time being, in the New York Hill UMC sanctuary and use the First UMC building for offices, meeting places, Bible study and as an outreach center.

New York Hill was handicapped-accessible, which First UMC was not. First Church already housed the local food bank, a ministry that makes the congregations very proud, calling it their number one sign and wonder from God. First UMC also houses other ministries, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Weight Watchers and the Emergency Relief Fund.

More than 150 people attended the first Sunday of worship - which was also Epiphany - as New Hope UMC.

Starnes, now the pastor of one church instead of a two-point charge, likened their journey of faith to the journey of the wise men - travelers who set out not really knowing where God would lead them, but choosing to follow a star.

'On much of our journey, we haven?t known where we were going either. We?ve been relying on God to lead us, to show us what the future holds. And we aren?t even there yet. But I do believe we have finally arrived at a place where there is hope and cause for celebration. We are together, my friends. We are one church. And today is a good day to have hope and give thanks to God,' she said.

The service began with the cross, candles and Bible from First UMC carried into the sanctuary at New York Hill UMC and placed on the altar, symbolic of their coming together.

Eight new members joined the church, and the congregation sang, 'This Is a Day of New Beginnings.' The hymn had become a kind of mantra.

As each person entered the service, he or she was given a flower, which they brought to the altar and placed in a large vase during the Communion service. By the end of the service they had created a beautiful bouquet, another symbol of their unity, beauty and oneness as the people of God. 'The sanctuary buzzed with delight as the vision of our preferred future became a reality,' Alger said.

The trustees have put both buildings on the market, as was decided at the Sept. 17 Charge Conference; and a land search committee is looking for a new site on which to build.

There are no plans to leave the Brunswick area. 'We are closely identified with the Brunswick community, and we will be here to minister,' Shew said. 'We are God?s people doing God?s work where we are - and this is where we are.'

There?s a firm interest in the sale of the properties, and possibilities for land on which to build have come quickly, much sooner than anyone expected. 'God truly is gbwc_superusering us,' Shew said. 'We chose to step out of the boat with Peter, and God is holding us solid. We are well on the way.'


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