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New Fund seeks to provide Hope

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By Erik Alsgaard

In 2005, the Baltimore-Washington Conference was a leader in giving of itself to help others, including more than $3.3 million for Hurricane Katrina relief efforts alone. That leadership will continue through The Hope Fund, unveiled during annual conference.

'The Hope Fund conveys our passion for what is possible, for offering a concrete response to the needs to rebuild, support and fortify hope in three places,' said Bishop John R. Schol. Those three areas are the Gulf Coast, Zimbabwe and HIV/AIDS work here at home and abroad.

'The goal is to raise $1 million by annual conference 2008 for these three areas,' the bishop said. The money will be divided 60 percent for Zimbabwe and 20 percent each for HIV/AIDS and Hurricane Katrina rebuilding efforts.

Why these three? Conference members learned that:

  • In Zimbabwe, inflation has hit 1,000 percent. Churches that have pastors often do not have buildings or parsonages. Simple things, such as books, are luxuries.
  • In the Gulf region, churches need to be rebuilt from the foundation up. Entire congregations are displaced.
  •  HIV/AIDS is the leading killer in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore.

Led by the Rev. Daryl Williams, director of planned giving and investments for the Baltimore-Washington Conference, The Hope Fund is a way for every United Methodist to make a difference.

'Disciples take stands for those who suffer,' said Williams.

Churches are invited to participate at one of three levels:

  • Bishop?s Circle, an average of $30 or more per worshiper;
  •  Circle of Hope, an average of $20 or more per worshiper; and
  • Circle of Caring, an average of $10 or more per worshiper.

In presenting The Hope Fund, Williams said that leaders are following a biblical model for meeting the goal. He cited

1 Chronicles 29, where David was building the temple. David and other leaders of the temple announced their gifts, and the people followed.

Bishop and Beverly Schol, Williams said, were modeling this leadership by pledging $12,000 over the next three years. Williams said that the total already pledged for The Hope Fund, including pledges from individuals and local churches, was more than $260,000. This includes a $100,000 pledge from Bel Air UMC, or more than $128 per worshiper.

For more information on or to pledge to The Hope Fund, e-mail at , or call (410) 309-3475.




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