New committee to study apportionments
The Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) of the Baltimore Washington Conference has established a permanent sub-committee to continue the work that was started in 2007 by the Apportionment Task Force. The Connectional Giving Committee will closely examine the apportionment formula and recommend changes, if warranted.
The Connectional Giving Committee has representatives from each of the four conference regions, including clergy, laity, CFA members and conference staff. It is chaired by Charles Moore, a lay member of CFA and member of Community UMC in Crofton.
The committee will begin its work by doing a financial analysis and researching 10-percent of the conference churches that have experienced significant swings in apportionment allocations between 2007 and 2008. Bill Isberg, the chief operating officer of the conference and member of the Connectional Giving Committee, said conducting this research will enable them to do the work that the Apportionment Task Force started.
"Doing this will allow us to gain an in depth understanding of the challenges that some of our churches face year to year in paying their apportionments," Isberg said. "We will also study the impact that any potential modifications to the existing formula will have on our churches."
Part of the sub-committee's job will deal with education and communication. An online survey in December 2007 sent to pastors and local church lay leadership showed that only 41 percent feel that members of their church are familiar with the apportionments system.
"It's not enough to just know that apportionments exist," Moore said. "We want our churches to have a solid understanding of the connectional system so when apportionments are to be paid, they are giving with the knowledge that they are helping ministries all over the world."
The survey also illustrated that 47 percent of survey responders feel that the current apportionment formula needs to be examined and revised to create a more equitable formula for all churches.
The Connectional Giving Committee hopes to have a report this fall that will outline a plan and provide recommendations for the conference leadership to consider. An adjourned session may be proposed for the fall to present a report and recommendations.
"The committee has a lot of work to do, but we have assembled a strong and dedicated team," Isberg said. "We want all of our churches to better understand the connectional system that we, as United Methodists, enjoy."
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