Online Archives

Moving towards full-time e-mail

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Have you received the last several e-mails from Bishop John R. Schol? The bishop has sent out during the past two months e-mails on: the church trial in eastern Pennsylvania; an Advent message; a Christmas greeting; an announcement about the upcoming conference vision sessions; and a request for input about new DS and staff appointments.

If you have not received these e-mails, please send your e-mail address, name, status (clergy or lay member to annual conference) and church to .

'The conference is moving to communicate all messages for active clergy through e-mail,' said Bishop Schol. 'We are doing this so that information can be more immediate and to be better stewards of the conference's dollars and time.'

The goal is for all active pastors to have e-mail accounts by July 1.

Every pastor and church is encouraged to set up an e-mail account to assist with better communication. If the pastor or church does not own a computer, the Baltimore-Washington Conference is willing to help secure a donated computer or point in the direction of getting a good inexpensive computer.

If you or your church does not have someone that can assist in setting up no-cost or low-cost e-mail accounts, the conference's Communication Office will be able to help. Contact John Coleman at (800) 492-2525, Ext. 421, for more information.


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