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Movie scene filmed at church

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EDGEWATER - The 280 children and staff at St. Andrew's UMC and Day School welcomed 'Gladiator' star, Russell Crowe, his director, Ridley Scott, and Warner Brothers Studios Sept. 7, when the crew came to film 'Body of Lies,' a terrorism thriller that will be released in 2008.

The scene enacted at the church shows Crowe, playing the head of CIA operations in the Middle East, dropping off his children at school and making a phone call to CIA agent played by Leonardo DiCaprio. It took 12 hours to film the scene.

'Our church was chosen out of 19 area placements,' said the Rev. Dave Thayer. He explained that a parent in the school works for the Baltimore film industry and suggested the school her children attend as a possible shooting site.

'I had a brief funny exchange with Mr. Scott (the director) over some colorful language one (crew member) was using to prompt Mr. Crowe,' Thayer said.


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