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Move spurred by desire to serve community

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Glen Mar UMC in Ellicott City recently moved down the street into a new facility designed for community outreach.


It might not have always been an easy road for the members of Glen Mar UMC as they built their new church after nine years of planning and building.

But the obstacles seemed to fade into memory when the congregation completed of Phase 1 of their new church home, highlighted by a multi-purpose recreation room that will temporarily serve as a sanctuary.

Glen Mar UMC opened its doors July 13 to its new 33,000 square foot church, and immediately recognized that the excitement and anticipation of the grand opening was greater than previously thought. The church was prepared to accommodate approximately 500 people in its first week. But they quickly needed more seats, as nearly 700 people crammed their way inside to share the excitement of the new building.

"It was so inspiring to see all of those people there," said Carol Carew, a member since 1966. "You could feel the energy during the service. I know that all 700 will return."

To accommodate its growing congregation, Glen Mar will have three full services on Sunday in its new Spirit Center - 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Communion will be celebrated at a 7:30 a.m. service.

The church is being built in four phases. With the first phase complete, the next development will include a new 250-seat chapel, classrooms and office space, and a sanctuary that will seat approximately 1,000 people. The parking lot will hold 500 cars.

Glen Mar's senior pastor, the Rev. Anders Lunt, said that in spite of all the planning, endless meetings and hitting finance goals for the project, he never doubted that this day would come.

"We trusted that God would provide and things would happen when he wants them to happen," Lunt said. "Our move was a mission-driven move, not a move just to have more space. We have the opportunity to worship in a new way, to reach the community in new ways."

Part of the community outreach includes the launch of youth summer camps, which started in June.

The Rev. Al Hammer, associate pastor at Glen Mar, said the camps and the all-purpose recreation room will attract people to Glen Mar that would not ordinarily come.

According to Hammer, there are 600-700 homes being built north of the church, creating an opportunity for growth.

"We're anxious to open our doors and share our faith with the greater community," Hammer said. "We hope people gain a better understanding of our church and how we contribute to the community. We're very excited."

With the excitement of the move, a larger space and the opportunity to reach more people, Carew is as happy about the move as anyone else. As a member since November 1966 she recalls how the good times and bad times have helped to make Glen Mar what it is today.

"A piece of my heart will always be with the old place," she said. "I couldn't hold back the tears during one of the last services. But our church is about people. And there are many people here that have held me up over the years.

"My two daughters were confirmed (at the old church). They went to Sunday school there. I will always have a lot of fond memories of that place. But God wanted us to move and build a bigger church. And when God tells you something, you listen. And that erases all doubt."


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