More than money, apportionments are ministry
When you place your offering in the collection plate, a part of each dollar goes to apportionments. Within the Baltimore-Washington Conference, this money:
entertains and inspires more than 5,000 youth at a revival each year in Ocean City + provides guides to coach pastors to more faithfully and effectively lead their congregations + trains lay speakers + ministers to victims of domestic violence + provides a prophetic voice and practical action to address social ills in Baltimore + gives grants and loans to local churches to strengthen their ministries + insures retired pastors and their spouses + cares for orphans in Zimbabwe + maintains a new state-of-the-art Web site and information system + advocates for adequate health care for Marylanders + tends to people with HIV/AIDS at Quality of Life retreats + sends needy children to camp + operates a prayer hotline + delivers an award-winning newspaper to the homes of church leaders + ministers to those in need in the Deaf community and assists the Deaf to go abroad in mission + maintains resources centers with videos and other items + works in partnership with churches in South Korea + operates a university in Zimbabwe + appoints a pastor to your church + trains and commissions people called to be mission-aries + provides stewardship and other training to local churches + dispatches teams to help manage conflict + ministers to students at several area colleges and universities + organizes Volunteers in Mission opportunities + opposes casino gambling + provides Christian camping experiences to more than 1,700 children and youth each summer at three conference camps + maintains historical records and archives + operates Justice for our Neighbors clinics that provide legal assistance to immigrants + feeds hungry children in Appalachia + works with refugees who move to this region + supports 10 historically black United Methodist colleges + partners with the American Cancer Society + advocates for strong families and social justice in West Virginia through the Council of Churches + starts new faith communities + provides Shalom Zone training for community development + advocates on behalf of the disabled + provides college scholarships + sponsors days apart for older adults + helps address and fight racism + leads monthly Discipler group training for pastors + helps identify sources of grants for local churches + counsels church finance committees on keeping accurate records + establishes and enforces standards that keep children safe in churches + assists pastors with moving expenses when they change churches + trains youth leaders + administers clergy and lay employee pension and medical expense plans + holds annual conference sessions + investigates complaints about clergy + helps trustees oversee all the conference property, including centers in Columbia and Hagerstown + supports Hispanic ministries + partners with a Head Start program for children in Columbia + eradicates cases of malaria in Africa + encourages new understandings of faith through the conference rabbi + publishes a devotional + maintains United Methodist shrines and historic sites + sponsors dialogue teams that explore controversial subjects in holy conferencing + trains people in short-term mission projects + equips churches interested in merging congregations, starting second site ministries or exploring new models of ministry + trains local church leaders in regional settings + empowers young adults to be in ministry + develops and keeps up-to-date plans in the event of a natural disaster in this region + cares for children in poverty + promotes awareness of Native American issues and ministries + reaches out to illegal immigrants and seeks reform on their behalf + enables the foundation to advise local churches on their investments + calls, equips, sends and supports spiritual leaders to make disciples and grow at least 600 Acts 2 churches by 2012.
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