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More info needed on church?s stance

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Letters to the Editor
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October 15, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 19





More info needed on churchs stance

Although the Faiths in Flux box between the two opposing essays on homosexuality that appeared on page 9 of the Sept. 3 issue was useful, it did not seem adequate to inform readers of just what the current position of The United Methodist Church is.

Since you chose to print these highly controversial essays, which I first saw on, I would urge you to also print the official homosexuality statements of the UMC from the 2000 Book of Discipline and/or Book of Resolutions, which accompanied the essays on the Web site. They would take up little space and give the readers a needed perspective on this debate.

R.F. Gillum
Good Hope Union UMC, Silver Spring

Editors note:
An overview of The United Methodist Churchs stance on homosexuality, can be found at online.

Remembering those who sacrifice lives

Each year in May, a candlelight vigil is held at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. I had the privilege to offer the invocation at this years vigil as 377 new names were added to the memorial. As director of chaplain services for the Maryland State Police and a pastor in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, I continue to pray for these officers and their families.

In working with law enforcement officers, I am continually impressed by the solidarity among officers. The root of their commonality was best exemplified by the thin blue line that streaked through the Washington skyline. It reminded me of how few people, how few law enforcement officers, stand between our communities, our families, our children and those who seek to do evil. I am grateful to all who are willing to answer that call.

Scripture tells us that a man or woman can show no more love than in laying down their life for others. It was that kind of love the officers, for whom we lit candles, showed in their lives. I commend them and their families to you in prayer.

Rev. Charles H. Acker Jr.
Johnsville and Wesley Freedom UMCs

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