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Ephesians 5:1-7

When I was a little girl, my mother had two sayings to help my sister and me interact well with the world around us: 'Pretty is as pretty does' (including how we spoke to others), and 'Beware, you are known by the company you keep.'

It seems that the writer of Ephesians 5:1-7 knew my mother well. Or maybe my mother had read this passage and modernized it for us. The writer was instructing the unchurched Gentiles on how to be 'in the world, but not of it' in their new Christian walk of faith.

Recent news reminds us all too well that we live in a similar secular world that, for the most part, does not live as Jesus lived or love as Jesus loved. The writer encourages the Ephesians, and us, to act like followers of Jesus Christ and be imitators of God.

The language of the streets, movies and music today is truly at least as 'obscene, silly and vulgar' as was heard on the streets of Ephesus. The enticements of Satan to be immoral, unjust and impure are just as real today as they were back then.

We can?t avoid these temptations. But we are called by this Scripture passage to be strong in the Lord and resist the tricks of Satan to undermine true Christian teachings and ways of living. Such behavior and language are 'out of place' at school, at home, on the street, at work, at play and most certainly in church. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ requires us to change from our old secular ways to the way, the truth and the life.

We are challenged instead to turn ugliness into thanksgiving and praise. We must concentrate, as Paul wrote to the Philippians, on those things that are 'true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise.' We must imitate God as beloved children of God?s kingdom, and live and love as Christ loved us. The penalty for disobedience is God?s wrath.

Not only are we to change our language and behavior, but we must also surround ourselves with those who are good role models and companions on the way. Staying in close association with those who practice the means of grace - prayer, fasting, worship, Bible study, sacraments - Christian conferencing and service will fill our time, thoughts and lives with positive, Christ-like ways of living and shield us from the temptations that secular living offers.

'Pretty is as pretty does' and 'You are known by the company you keep' were good and wise sayings for my sister and me growing up in the 1950s and 1960s. They were equally good for the people of Ephesus. And they are especially relevant, timely and appropriate for today?s Christians.

May we not be deceived with 'empty words' that will bring on the wrath of God, but choose to live instead lives that become the Gospel of Jesus Christ and follow God?s way, his truth and his life, and live forever.

The Rev. Mary Worrel is pastor of Mt. Zion UMC in Myersville.


Celebrate: The Scripture refers to Christ being a 'fragrant offering for us.' In Psalm 141, we read of prayer being an offering like incense. During your devotions today, burn a fragrant candle or a stick of incense and meditate on your fragrant offerings to God. What pleasing, fragrant offering have you given lately?

Develop: Read up on sacrifice and the symbolism of incense. What new insight have you gained?

Share: Talk with a young person and share how you have fallen short of imitating God - and what it means to you when you strip that away as suggested in today?s reading in the Adventure Gbwc_superusere.


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