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Missionary aids oil spill victims

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GALESVILLE ? The Rev. Kathy Wilson and her husband are supported in their missionary work in a remote part of Alaska by Galesville UMC and eight other area United Methodist churches. Wilson is the pastor of Unalaska UMC and also a Coast Guard chaplain.

The Wilsons have been helping in the tragic aftermath of the destruction of a Malaysian cargo ship, the Galesville UMC newsletter reported. The ship broke apart on the northern shore of Unalaska in a storm, spilling 40,000 gallons of fuel. A Coast Guard helicopter came to the rescue, but crashed while lifting off six stranded crew men. All six were killed. Four other crew members were rescued.



Nearly 75 children came for Vacation Bible School at the Unalaska UMC last summer. The church ministers to remote villages in the Aleutian Islands.

The 54 members of Unalaska UMC provided meals for the Coast Guardsmen and those helping in the oil cleanup. They collected shoes, clothing and telephone calling cards so the crew members could call home. The congregation dedicated its Dec. 12 Christmas cantata to honor those who died in the accident.

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