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Ministry in Motion

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Ministry in Motion means being willing to move deeper, further and wider in one’s faith. It involves taking risks and daring to grow in new directions.

Bishop John Schol is inviting the laity of the Baltimore-Washington Conference to explore how they can grow into the fullness of God at a Day Apart Sept. 25, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Bethany UMC in Ellicott City.

Leading this day of innovation and rejuvenation will be the Rev. Olu Brown, author of “Zero to 80: Innovative Ideas for Planting and Accelerating Church Growth.”

Brown pastors Impact UMC in Atlanta, a congregation that does church differently. “We take the churchliness out of church,” says Impact’s website. And it works. Beginning with only six members in 2007, one year later the church had more than 1,000.

At the Bishop’s Day Apart for Laity, Brown will share leadership principles and best practices from the Impact church story. His presentation will include thoughts on vision and design, marketing, small groups, hospitality, worship design, logistics and volunteer recruitment.

Brown was one of the featured presenters at the Prodigal Worship event in Frederick last spring. He is excited to be returning to the Baltimore-Washington Conference to address the laity.

“Laity are called to leadership in the local church,” he said. “As leaders, they are empowered to help move the church forward. Every person is uniquely gifted by God and we are called to live out our own unique leadership DNA.”

Olu BrownHe is confident the lessons of church leadership will overflow into other aspects of people’s lives. “I believe Christian leaders are different from others because our ultimate hope and authority rests upon the resurrected Savior,” said Brown. “Therefore, our words are more than words. Our words are powerful and able to uplift others and transform the world.

Brown is praying the clergy and laity of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, are empowered and inspired to fulfill current dreams and to dream new dreams and possibilities. Hold fast to Ephesians 20,” he said. “… God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit moves deeply and gently within us.”

Learn more, or register for the Day Apart.


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