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Meeting challenges for disabled

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article reprinted from the UMConnection:  Across the Conference
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NOVEMBER 5, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 20

Across The Conference





Meeting challenges for disabled

ELLICOTT CITY Historic Daniels UMC, built in 1879, has faced many challenges. One of the most recent is how to become accessible for people who are mobility challenged.

The congregation at Daniels-Gary Memorial UMC met the challenge by building an elevator tower adjacent to the education facility and sanctuary. It was dedicated Oct. 26 during the morning service, said the Rev. Luther Starnes who has seen the church through several growth challenges in his 16 years as its pastor.

The church building survived the demolition of the now non-existent town of Daniels and Hurricane Agnes.

Former governor and state comptroller, William Donald Schaefer, and Howard County Executive James Robey, who regularly attend and contribute to the church, participated in the dedication service.

The $50,000 needed to build the addition to the church was raised from within the congregation, Starnes said.

Workshop offers help to deaf interpreters

COLUMBIA Sign language interpreters have the opportunity to learn more about their craft at the annual Religious Interpreter Workshop Nov. 22 at the Maryland School for the Deaf in Columbia, said the Rev. Peggy Johnson.

DeAnn Sampley, a professor of American Sign Language and Deaf Studies at Bakersfield College in California, will give the keynote address. She is the author of Sign Worthy Unto the Lord, and has produced a video titled Lift Up Holy Hands.

There will be five workshops for all levels, from beginning to advanced vocabulary of deaf interpreters who work with the religious community.

The workshop is co-sponsored by the Baltimore-Washington Conference Deaf Ministries and the Catholic Deaf of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Cost is $25 for pre-registration or $30 at the door, as long as space is available. Registration may be downloaded from Johnson can be reached at (410) 247-5045, or .

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