Online Archives

May is Mental Health Month

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: News
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May 19, 2004


VOL. 15, NO. 10


May is Mental Health Month

  May is mental health month. The Baltimore-Washington Conference Subcommittee on Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and their Families is encouraging local churches to focus on mental health issues and how they relate to their congregations.

According to doctors, including the U.S. Surgeon General, good mental health is indispensable to personal well-being and interpersonal relationships and contributions to community and society.

The subcommittee offers a number of recommendations for those seeking better mental health. They include:

  • Develop a personal support system.
  • Nurture positive expectations.
  • Engage in Bible study, prayer and healthy living. Be thankful.
  • Allow yourself to experience joy, gratitude and generosity.

The conference Resource Center has a new set of 10 mental health videos. For detailed descriptions of the videos go to the conference website, ( click on the site index, then on Resource Center to access the resource catalog.

For more information on these videos, contact Jo Chesson at (410) 309-3490 or .



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