Loaves and Fishes feed hungry LEONARDTOWN Many churches help hungry people at Thanksgiving and Christmas time. But what about the rest of the year? St. Pauls UMC recognized this ongoing need and in 1992 opened a soup kitchen, called Loaves and Fishes, for midday meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last year, more than 4,900 adults and approximately 360 children ate at Loaves and Fishes. On a recent Tuesday, about 35 people had soup and many took home a food bag for later, said Mona Famosa, director. On Thursdays the church gives filled grocery bags to around 70 people, she said. A lot of our patrons are older and sick, and I know they wouldnt get something nourishing during the week without the soup kitchen, Famosa said. Two sisters, five decades, 5,000 services LAUREL When the refurbished organ at First UMC was dedicated in December, the church was overflowing. But it wasnt only the dedication service that attracted the hundreds of guests. There was also a surprise party for two sisters who have played the organ for more than 10,000 Sunday worship services. Helen Ramey, the older of the sisters, began playing in 1953. She plays organ at the 11 a.m. service. Since 1955, Evelyn Wenzel has played at the early service, accompanying a young peoples choir. The service commemorated the expansion of the Moller pipe organ, which was installed in 1959. It is now almost twice its original size, with 893 pipes, according to the Laurel Leader. Church extension nearing completion BOONSBORO If all goes as planned, the large new extension to Benevola UMC, which includes doubling the space the church has for its ministries, will be completed this month. Its taken five years of several phases to get to this point, the Rev. Helen Smith said. A fledgling building committee greeted her with their idea soon after she was appointed to the church in 1995. By the end of 2002, they had paid out $845,000 on contracts, all the money they had. The remainder of the $1.6 million total costs will be covered by a mortgage. The less than 400-member church has continued its faithfulness throughout the lengthy building process, Smith said. In 1996, they moved and rebuilt a parking lot, in 2002, they dedicated a pavilion for summer use. Last Thanksgiving a new heating system was installed. Benevola UMC will hold the building consecration on April 27. Workcamp prepares for 20th year RIDERWOOD Its time for United Methodists to begin planning for their summer workcamp experience, according to Steve Lippy, a member of Hunts Memorial UMC. The Baltimore County Christian Workcamp will meet for its 20th year July 20-26, offering opportunities to do mission work in Baltimore County. Founded by two United Methodist pastors in 1984, the work camp is ecumenical. Its task is to share the love of Christ by improving the homes of some limited-income families in Baltimore County, Lippy said. Last summer, 24 homes were partially completed or finished in Catonsville, Essex, Parkville, Milford Mill, Woodlawn, Rosedale, Middle River, Turners Station and Landsdowne. The annual blitz involved more than 200 volunteers. For information, contact Lippy at (410) 296-9150 or
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