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Living up to God's measure

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As I traveled the well-known I-81 south through the farmlands and then into West Virginia, it was a different experience this time around. We were on our way to the Appalachia Service Project, a relational ministry in Appalachia that I?ve been involved with for the last 10 years.

I was no longer traveling as a youth, giggling in the backseat of the van. Nor was I traveling for staff training, car stuffed to the brim with everything imaginable, anxiously anticipating being challenged and growing and meeting others who were just as passionate about service as I was.

This time I was driving an old 15-passenger van, the ancient letters 'Davidsonville UMC' slowly peeling off the side, and a strong breeze in the windows since there was no longer air conditioning. It was comforting and familiar, bringing back good memories, much like the week that lay ahead.

Fifty-three adult and youth volunteers from Davidsonville and Mayo UMCs were split into eight work crews, each doing a week of construction for a different impoverished family in Summers County, W.Va. My crew did roofing for a woman named Mary, her daughter Jessica and granddaughter Megan.

After working a full day in the hot sun, the youth were still energetically cleaning the bathrooms as our evening chore. The enthusiasm of the youth in my crew was contagious. Each one was excited to learn and to listen and socialize with the host family. I often found myself in amazement at their dedication to serving our family in whatever capacity they could.

As adults we?re often awe-struck by the maturity of teenagers willing to give part of their summer to service. Their passion and drive is amazing, and often far beyond their years. Often, young people capture the essence of life in a way that makes us realize the value of our own life and purpose on earth.

But who?s to stop each of us from living up to this high standard on a daily basis?

Youth (and even other adults) inspire us with their idealism, but all too frequently we let that inspiration fade before it is translated into action.

We need to claim the determination we see in these blossoming children of God. Let us be encouraged by the heartfelt efforts of others, but let us also be that shining light for someone in our own lives.

I often wonder what prevents us all from taking our passion and running with it with child-like energy to the ends of our lives. It?s not an easy road, but God never promised us it would be painless. This kind of living is not what?s comfortable, because stepping out of the norm to change policy or health care or the wealth gap requires determination and fresh thought. We are incapable of this on our own.

Our Creator, however, can see to the end of time and has the wisdom and desire to gbwc_superusere us into a life of abundance where the pains of this world are eased by the compassion we have for each other.

God?s deep desire to use us each in ministry and mission is a bridge that crosses any excuses we might have dreamed up. It?s a bridge we can cross at any point in our walk regardless of our age or personal ability. God will equip us with whatever we need, as long as we are willing to be used.

Most often, we give into our selfish tendencies. But there is no other way that we feel more alive than when we serve others. So stop waiting for tomorrow and open up your mind to God?s creative power to change your heart and mine.


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