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Life's worth living with Jesus

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Deuteronomy 34: 1-12
1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8
Matthew 22: 34-36

One doesn?t have to look far in the Bible to learn an essential lesson. God is always present ? reminding us of his love, commandments and constant and fierce care. If we make the Lord our main focus, life will always be worth living.

1 Thessalonians 2:1-4 tells us to put our trust in the gospel and work to please God rather than other people. 'You yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our coming to you was not in vain, but though we had already suffered and been shamefully mistreated at Philippi, as you know, we had courage in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in spite of great opposition. For our appeal does not spring from deceit or impure motives or trickery, but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the message of the gospel, even so we speak, not to please mortals, but to please God.' (NRSV)

When I began to do that, I began a faith-rocking adventure and am learning to wait patiently on God to see his goodness unfold as God?s plans for my life come together.

I am a nutritionist by profession. It has been my dream to have my own business. Having worked as a clinical/administrative dietitian and presently a community nutritionist, I have been very skeptical of non-compliant clients.

Over the years I developed skills in desktop publishing and cake decorating, so recently, with God?s help, I decided to find an office space for my event planning business, but somehow the Lord had other plans for that space.

All of a sudden, friends and acquaintances began requesting diet consultations from me. God reminded me that my first choice was nutrition counseling. I reminded the Lord of my fear with non-compliant clients.

The message I then received was for me to include 'spirituality' in my counseling.

'Lord this is not something that I could discuss openly in the work place,' I said. 'I need a foundation that society allows me to build on.'

Two weeks after that, I went to a nutrition conference. A chill went down my spine when I read the agenda to find that one of the sessions was on 'Spirituality and Wellness.' The speaker, a medical doctor, spoke about a new foundation using spirituality in the healing process of patients and working towards a certification program for health professionals. There were research handouts to support all she said.

It was like the Lord saying to me, 'This is the proof you need to start your practice.'

I was also worried about the amount of paper work I had to put together. The next month I attended a nutrition seminar and at the end of the day the speaker stated the all the materials they had given out we could use to cater to our practice.

All I could say was, 'Lord I hear you.'

Unbelievably, I now have an office space with two functioning professions, 90 percent ready and patiently waiting for God?s grand opening.

I also learned a valuable lesson. All God wants is for us to make God our main focus. When we listen for his instructions, and obediently respond to his will, he allows us to look back and connect the pieces of what seemed like a puzzle, only to unfold God?s awesome plan for each and everyone of us.

Olabisi A. Daramy is a member of Good Hope Union UMC in Silver Spring.



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