I write in response to the Rev. Ira Zepp's article regarding Rick Warren's 'Purpose Driven Life' (UMConnection May 4). Reading between Zepp's lines, it appears that he has not experienced a 40 Days of Purpose Campaign, nor has he read 'Purpose Driven Church.' It's tough to accept criticism from one who has not experienced the entire package. 'Purpose Driven Life' is a daily reading devotional designed to be used in a 40 Day Campaign. Warren's intent is to help us understand our five New Testament purposes here on earth (worship, fellowship, evangelism, disciple, ministry), and reach out to the un-churched. He is clearly not about social reform, although he does challenge us to change our environment. Look at the history of Saddleback church and you understand where Warren is coming from (www.saddleback.org.). The Campaign emphasizes small group meetings as did John Wesley. Zepp makes no mention of this. I challenge Zepp to view the kick-off video of the 40 Days Campaign and not get excited. The spiritual growth in our church during the campaign was electric. Warren's first book stresses that a healthy church is one that has balanced its resources across the five purposes. The book also gbwc_superuseres us how to move people from being un-churched to being ministers in a five concentric circle model. Isn't that what Jesus taught us to do? We changed our Council on Ministries structure to align with the five purposes. As an instigator to the Purpose Driven COM structure in our church, I invite Zepp to visit with me to experience the 'entire package.' 'Is the 40 Days of Purpose a 21st Century version of 20th Century revival meetings?' Zepp asks. Maybe so, and that's not all bad. In these days of declining church membership, renewal movements such as 40 Days of Purpose or the Walk to Emmaus (I've done that, too) certainly have their place. Warren's focus is on church growth. He's real clear about that. He has chosen to let others focus on social reform and justice. It's your opportunity, Rev. Zepp, to write a book. Maybe that's what your purpose is here on earth. Tim Reed First UMC, Laurel |
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