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Letters to the Editor: 3/2/05

Posted by Bwcarchives on

Commentary was on target

I just received and read my Feb. 16 copy of the UMConnection. The commentary by the Rev. Ira Zepp was right on target. He accurately described the stereotypes and mind sets of both liberals and conservatives. I appreciated his balanced approach, shedding light on shortcomings and attributes of both groups.

Most importantly he calls for conservatives and liberals to humbly listen to, and learn from, each other.

Thank you and Ira for the commentary 'Speaking for unity across the religious divide.' You have put onto paper my thoughts and frustrations.

I pray that God will help us gain a greater understanding and love for each other.
This is a wonderful commentary. Thank you.

Cheryl Nelson
Cumberland, MD

Church calls for end to nuclear weapons

The congregation of Dumbarton UMC in Georgetown believes that our country is today in a position to make great strides in ridding the threat to humanity posed by nuclear weapons.

As the United Methodist Council of Bishops reminded us in its seminal 1986 document, 'In Defense of Creation,' relying on even the threat of using nuclear weapons places us in a precarious moral position with regard to the central tenets of our faith. The 1992 General Conference reinforced the prophetic stands of our Bishops by declaring that: 'Now is the time to?eliminate all nuclear weapons throughout the globe.'

One member of our denomination recently derailed the nuclear juggernaut ? at least temporarily. Congressman David Hobson (R-OH) led a successful effort to zero out new nuclear weapons funding in the appropriations bill for the current fiscal year. We hope this courageous act by a United Methodist will inspire United Methodist faithful throughout the nation.

If the members of your church and thousands of other United Methodist churches are energized to lead our nation away from our addiction to nuclear weapons, we can stir the conscience of Congress and of the nation.

We urge all United Methodists to help mobilize their congregations during the penitential season of Lent to make your witness for peace.

The church began with only 12 disciples. Consider what can happen for the sake of our world if only a few of us catch the vision of a globe that is truly free of nuclear weapons ? and watch that Easter vision spread.

The Church Council
Dumbarton UMC, Washington, D.C.


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