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Letters to the Editor

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Anti-war stance is ill-informed


I recently read an article in UMConnection written by Jim Winkler, the director of the church?s General Board of Church and Society.  I was really saddened and disgusted that you would include such an article written by an ill-informed and naive individual.

I am especially angry that I, as a United Methodist, am paying for an individual such as this to denigrate our president. Winkler is obviously biased.

I hate to see our troops dying in Iraq or anywhere else. I hate war, but I also understand that someone has to deal with dictators and terrorists, something that Winkler seems to ignore; perhaps it?s his bias against President Bush. Perhaps the Baltimore-Washington Conference is anti-Bush, considering articles it has published in the UMConnections in the past.

I would like to share with you a Web site that describes the action of a truly heroic individual who represents the behavior and valor that has made the United States great and exemplifies the dedication and love that God expects from us all. It was written by journalist and broadcaster, Bob Lonsberry, and was prepared by Mary Jones. The site is It does.


Charles E. Christ

Francis Asbury UMC, Rockville



Commentaries are one-sided


I am writing in response to Jim Winkler?s remarks on war and peace in the July 20 UMConnection. I haven?t read the commentary section recently, so I may have missed the balance that is appropriate to such a distorted, highly inaccurate and inflammatory opinion.  Facts are few, logic is lacking and understanding is none.

When such distorted and one-sided views are presented I believe the other side should be presented on the same page so the reader can divine the truth through prayerful and intellectual review of all facts rather than selected inaccuracies.


Neil Cullum

Calvary UMC






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