Online Archives

Let every voice be heard

Posted by Bwcarchives on
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Letters to the Editor
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MAY 21, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 10





Let every voice be heard

I, too, agree with the views of Pamela Hobbs, who complained about Bishop Sprague in a letter to the editor in an earlier UMConnection.

Why not publish the dollar amount (which includes my conference apportionment without my having a say) expended for the anti-President Bush bashing charade?

The conference must stop taking arbitrary action without first obtaining each congregations agreement for various opinions. I do not mean from representatives to the conference, but from each individual parish member through a vote of its entire congregation. Unwieldy, perhaps. Time consuming, so be it.

John M. Schercinger
Huntingtown UMC

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