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Lessons from Harry Potter during Lent

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During the annual Lenten suppers this year at my church, the topic was 'The Gospel According to Harry Potter.' We used a gbwc_superusere by Connie Neal. I was very excited about it because all of my best friends at my church are obsessed with the Harry Potter books.

Many people believe that Harry Potter has something to do with Satanism and witchcraft. No matter how convincing their opinions may be, I still think that J.K. Rowling is not writing books to profess Satanism and to teach young children about witchcraft. She merely writes to entertain people, both young and old. But until my church started studying it, I never knew how much Harry Potter has to do with the Gospel.

Did you know that Harry?s mother, Lily Evans, did almost exactly what Jesus did 2,000 years before? Harry?s mother sacrificed herself for Harry when Lord Voldemort told her to step aside and that her life would be spared if she handed Harry over to be killed. Jesus died to save us from our sins.

We would be nothing if it weren?t for Jesus? sacrifice, and Harry Potter would be no more if it weren?t for his mother?s sacrifice.

Satan and his fellow Fallen Angels relate to Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Satan and the Fallen Angels believed that they were more powerful and important than God, and were sent to Hell for their beliefs. Lord Voldemort wanted complete control over the Wizard and Muggle worlds, and hired some followers to help him. Voldemort?s idea of 'hiring' is threatening to kill the person if they do not obey him and become a Death Eater.

During the study, we watched excerpts from the movies, read excerpts from the Bible, asked questions, answered questions, discussed, laughed and learned. The Lenten Suppers taught me a lot; especially how you can learn about the Bible from Harry Potter. All you have to do is read a bit, think and compare.

I would like every church possible to do this program. It is a good chance for the young and old to realize that J.K. Rowling relates to the Bible and Christianity more than we think. It also gives us a chance to discover that Rowling does not write books to force Satanism and witchcraft upon our family, friends or upon us. I have changed my opinion and views about the Harry Potter series, thanks to the program we did.

Sayre Posey, 12, is a member of Calvary UMC in Frederick.


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