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Leadership Days deadline approaching

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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December 3, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 22


Leadership Day 2004

Mail-in Registration


Leadership Days deadline approaching

Four thousand people are expected to attend the more than 60 classes being offered at Leadership Days this January.

The deadline for early registration for these opportunities designed to equip and inspire local church leaders is Dec. 15.

The one-day training seminar is offered in each of the three regions of the Baltimore-Washington conference.

The Western regions session will be held Jan. 10 at Musselman High School in Inwood, W. Va. The Baltimore region session is set for Jan. 17 at Perry Hall High School in Perry Hall. The Washington region event is scheduled for Jan. 31 at Friendly High School in Fort Washington.

Participants can select three classes from 14 subject categories including administration, Christian education, church and society, church development, communications, ethnic local church concerns, evangelism, leadership, and stewardship.

Classes are taught by local church lay members and clergy, and conference staff members.

According to Leadership Days coordinator, the Rev. Vivian McCarthy, many of the teachers have demonstrated expertise in particular areas or have received special training.

Teaching methods vary according to the individual preferences and styles of the classroom facilitators, McCarthy said. Multiple styles of teaching and interactive methods are preferred and encouraged, although some classes are taught as lectures, she said.

There will be more than 60 classes offered, which reflect a wide variety of topics. The classes will cover such topics as: young adult ministry, the church and mental illness, communications in a crisis; leadership, HIV/AIDS, financial record-keeping and reporting, and pension and health benefits.

A majority of the classes are offered at all three locations.

By and large, the classes are different from previous years classes, McCarthy said. I would hope that the experience is different for the participants every time they come.

Many of the classes being introduced this year were developed to address a need in the conference. For example, the two young adult classes offered this year reflect the conferences goal to strengthen young adult ministries, she said.

Another new class will be on domestic violence, and will examine the indicators of domestic violence within families and relationships.

Taking a RideDemoGraphically, will teach the use of demographic studies to interpret neighborhood data and develop outreach ministries.

Also new to the 2004 session is the course titled What Non-Hispanic Churches Need to Know about Starting Hispanic Ministries.

The Rev. Don Stewart, director of connectional ministries, advises participants to choose three classes that will most benefit their leadership role and most strengthen their local churchs ministry. Since space is limited, enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis, he said.

Typically about 50 percent of the churches in the conference take advantage of this fellowship and continuous learning opportunity, said Stewart, who reported that some people were anticipating and inquiring about the classes as early as last summer.

Brochures describing the program were distributed in mid-November to the 700 churches within the conference.

The cost per person is $20 for early birds who return their registration forms postmarked by Dec. 15. The cost for registration forms postmarked after Dec. 15, is $30 per person. Lunch is included in the fee.

Pre-registration is required. Participants are asked to list their first, second and third choices on the registration form.

The deadline for returning all registrations is Dec. 27 for the Western region, Jan. 3 for the Baltimore region, and Jan. 20 for the Washington region.

Online registration will soon be available at A credit card is required.

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