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Laity Sunday, Oct. 16: In the Spirit of Discipleship

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Celebrate the ministry of all believers on Laity Sunday

By Delores Oden                                   

October 16 is Laity Sunday. A time to celebrate ministries of the laity; a time to advocate for laity involvement; and a time to reflect on our spiritual gifts and help others to discover theirs.

The 2005 theme 'One in Spirit, All in Ministry: In the Spirit of Discipleship' allows us to speak to, discuss, and ponder how we as followers of Jesus Christ help others experience repentance, forgiveness and discipleship.

As laity we, too, are called by God, commissioned by Jesus Christ and enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the mission of the Body of Christ to go into all the world and make disciples.

To make disciples we must first be disciples and allow our lives to reflect a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It has to be our way of life -- what we do everyday that brings us closer to Christ and identifies us as his followers and doers of the word not just hearers.

As J. H. Arnold so eloquently puts it 'Discipleship is not a question of our own doing; it is a matter of making room for God so that he can live in us'.

To live a faith filled, spirit filled life means that we must be disciplined by staying in God's word; praying in faith; being in fellowship with God's people; and sharing a living faith with others.

Also, Laity Sunday allows us to reflect on whether we are reaching out and receiving people into the Body of Christ through prayer, praise, worship, bible study, and witness, as we nurture them in Christian living as faithful stewards and servants. We must ask the questions: Are we continually growing spiritually through meditation, personal devotions and study? Are we supporting humankind by serving, nurturing, providing and participating as we strive to make disciples? Are our ministries gbwc_superusered by Christlike motives?

God has something specific and special for each of us to do, and the more we accept that, the more inclined we will be to focus on God and the purposes for our lives. So, we must keep ourselves spiritually mature so we can better be used and developed for the good of God's kingdom and our discipleship adventure. Some of us are called to action, others to support, and still others to pray. Each doing what is right in the eyes of God as we obey our call and share our faith.

As we celebrate Laity Sunday 2005, may we, as laity, challenge ourselves to never stop trying, giving, praying, serving and witnessing for Jesus Christ.

Let's work in the true spirit of discipleship!

Delores M. Oden is lay leader of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


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