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Laity day a time for recommitment

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Conference Lay Leader Delores Oden reflects on 2 Timothy and how lay people can transform the world with their presence.

Fire, faith, fruits

2 Timothy 3:14-4:5


Shorter days, longer nights, cooler temperatures, leaves changing color and falling to the ground, the browning of grass, and football are some of the things that mark the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Unlike many people that view these signs as a dying out and slowing down time; for me autumn is a time of new beginnings and renewal.

As a student, educator and church worker, there was always that summer lull before I would have to gear up for more meetings, program planning, training, charge conference reports and of course, Laity Sunday. I had another chance to improve or start again.

This year we celebrate Laity Sunday Oct. 17 with the theme “Disciples Transforming the World Through Presence.” As laity of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, we have a special opportunity to help people in our churches, communities and the world to reaffirm their lives with God through Jesus Christ.

It is hard to remain optimistic and go on as usual when Christians and non Christians alike are under the burden and strains of economic recession, war, weather disasters, disease and famine, oil spills, crime and violence, dysfunctional families, brokenness and grief; as well as distrust in general. The list goes on and on.

As I read the Bible, history books, and consult other resources. I see these things are not new and have been with us in one form or another from the beginning of time. It is the current pain of our brothers, sisters and us enduring these hardships that make it almost unbearable.

But as followers of Jesus Christ we have the promise of our faithful God that he will not abandon his people. I realize that the same God who planted the Garden of Eden and crafted humanity from its soil will replant, tend and nurture us in this present time. I believe in the midst of hard times God can do a new thing.

2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 stands as a sign of God’s faithfulness in and to the world. In this second letter to Timothy Paul directs Timothy to stay the course. It is imperative that we do the same.

We, as laity, must struggle, persevere and remain faithful in the midst of today’s chaos and uncertainty. We must be living examples to our church, community and the world through our faith, hope and security in the word and promises of God.

In “The Message,” Eugene Peterson makes the passage of Scripture plain. “Challenge, warn and urge your people. Don’t ever quit. Just keep it simple. ... Keep the message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant.”

Fellow lay brothers and sisters, I urge that we remain steady in the grounding of the Holy Scripture and stand firm in the examples and teachings of those who have gone on before. We must create time for study, prayer and service. As faithful servants. let’s help others to experience the love of God.

Autumn is not a time of slowing down and dying out; but a time for renewal and recommitment to become better servants of Christ Jesus.

Delores Oden is lay leader of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


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