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Laity celebrate ministry of Certified Lay Ministers

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Laity session at Annual Conference marks the year's accomplishments.


For the first time, the laity session at the 228th Annual Conference recognized the conference's Certified Lay Ministry training program. Sandra King-Shaw introduced 27 men and women who were presented certificates showing they had completed the required two years of training.

The assembly stood and applauded when Bishop Schol praised Delores Oden, Conference Lay Leader, for her eight years of service to the conference.

"I am grateful for God putting me where I was meant to be and do," she said.

The leaders of five conference ministries that fall under the Board of Laity reported on the past year's activities. These included: Richard Keller for Lay Speaking Ministry, Nancy Randers-Pehrson, president of United Methodist Women, Darvin Hebron, president of United Methodist Men, Darius Butler of the Council on Young Adult Ministries and Tom Price, director of the Conference Council on Youth Ministries.

Randers-Pehrson explained the new independent organization for United Methodist Women that was approved at General Conference. She also urged members to attend this summer's School of Christian Mission, to be held at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel in August.

Hebron recounted several "#1" awards the UMM received this past year. He is stepping down from his leadership of UMM.

The mission of the Young Adult Council, Butler said, is "loving God, loving others and loving the world." Shift magazine, written and produced quarterly by young adults, supports the theme.

Dozens of members stood when Keller invited the lay speakers to stand. They serve at all levels: local church, district and conference.

Delores Martin will serve as the new BWC Lay Leader.

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Laity session at Annual Conference marks the year's accomplishments.

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