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Katrina Early Response Team back home appealing for more help

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After almost two weeks of aiding relief efforts following Hurricane Katrina, the Baltimore-Washington Conference Disaster Early Response Team completed its work and is scheduled to return home Friday, Sept. 23. Team leader and conference Volunteers in Mission coordinator Sandy Rowland reports that a Laurel, Miss., warehouse where the team was based is in dire need of some specific items.

The West Laurel UMC-run facility is where churches from across five counties come to get food, clothing and other needed supplies for their communities. 'But we are running out of things now,' wrote Rowland in a message e-mailed to conference staff just before leaving. 'If you can collect these items and get them shipped or driven here, that would be a blessing.'

All items should be sorted, not mixed, and packed in clearly labeled boxes to avoid burdening volunteers on-site with the need to identify and sort items when they arrive. Also, Rowland emphasized, please do not send clothing.

Needed Items:
Meats: tuna, spam, canned stews, Vienna sausages, small canned hams
Vegetables and soups, various types
Foods for diabetics
Peanut butter, jelly and various snacks
Items for babies, including diapers, formula and baby food
Rice, beans, corn meal, Hispanic foods
Paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates
Feminine items
Dog and cat foods
Bibles in English and Spanish
Mattresses, beds and bedding items.

Rowland explained that the list of needed items will grow and added an appeal for people with Bobcats and skills in using chain saws to come help clear broken trees and debris. She urged persons who plan to come to Laurel to first contact the pastor at or (601) 426-6734. Current information on relief operations and needs can be found at the church?s Web site,

'Many still do not have electricity, are without homes and are hungry,' wrote Rowland. 'The stress of the hurricane is hitting many very hard at this time.

'When our team comes home we will share our experiences,' she promised 'and help prepare and train others to help run the warehouse so they will already know before they arrive.'

Read about the beginning of the Early Response Teams journey to Mississippi.


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