Journey to Earth
transition for CHRD and CCOM. In July of 2004, the councils made the decision to meet concurrently for a year in order to discern where God is leading us next. It was clear that the original vision needed to be reshaped and reconsidered in light of emerging ministry needs. It was also clear that the primary concerns of each council, disciple making and leadership development, needed to be cared for in our reshaping efforts.
Not long after that decision was made, Bishop Schol was assigned to us. He came with a vision which included the five-fold Discipleship Adventure, including Faith Celebration, Faithful Connections, Faith Development, Faithful Service, and Faith Sharing. God?s response to the prayerful quest of the councils has also led us to the current proposal for restructuring.
The proposed restructuring will care for the primary responsibilities of the councils. If approved, this means that the structure of the councils as they currently operate will be transformed into the Councils on Discipleship Development and Leadership Development. It is in the nature of things for new life to proceed from death. The erasure of CCOM and CHRD does not mean that ministry will suffer. The expectation is that it will be expanded and enhanced as structures are developed for the express purpose of enhancing the ability of local churches to make disciples for Jesus Christ.
Surely a new thing is taking shape in our midst. Many of the Conferences of our denomination are raising similar questions and issues. This new thing will help us as a Conference to respond to changes already operating in our culture. We don?t live in a Christian culture. Our cultural context is often referred to as 'post-Christian.' In reality, it is better described as a 'pre-Christian' culture where many have little or no working knowledge of Jesus Christ. We need to support this new vision that will help us to reach new populations and new generations.
The rate of change we are undergoing as a Conference reflects the urgency of our need to respond as a people of God. Our comprehension of these changes may take a while longer. As Elizabeth O?Connor has written, 'The journey from the head to the heart ? is the longest distance we will ever cover. ? Day by day and month by month we are given the inner and outer experiences that contain God?s address to us.' This transitional period in which we find ourselves is not a comfortable place. We are being called out of our comfort zones. We are being called out as a Conference, perhaps to be a beacon for other Conferences.
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