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Invitation to serve

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Bishop Schol invites you and your church to Change the World.

Change the World


The founder of the Methodist movement, John Wesley said, “One of the principal rules of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbor, which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us.”

You have the opportunity to be a part of a great movement across the Baltimore-Washington Conference as we live the words of John Wesley. October 8-10, I invite you to serve God by serving those in our communities. The Conference leadership has called us to a great weekend of mission in which 15,000 United Methodists from across the conference will be in mission with their community. I know that we can do this. In fact, we are well on our way. We have more than 3,808 people signed up to date.

This is not an occasion to be lost. We as United Methodists were founded on mission (social holiness) and should take to heart this powerful opportunity to connect and be a God’s love through mission to others, making visible the greatness of God. Can you imagine the witness to the people in the Baltimore-Washington area if 15,000 people take the time to serve the community in one weekend? What a statement.

I’m empowering you to evaluate your communities and choose service/mission projects because you know the needs better than anyone else. For some it may be cleaning up a park or stream; for others, it may be holding a free health screening clinic for the homeless or writing letters of support to our troops. All of us from 2 to 92 can engage in mission. Following the weekend, I want your church to send me the stories of your congregation in action.

No matter which mission projects are on your heart, I encourage your congregation to sign up today by visiting The conference is here to support you along the way. Be sure to check out the website, which is full of resources you can use in your planning and promotion.

God has gifted each of us in unique ways to make a difference in the lives of others. No matter your gift, I pray that you use it to honor God by serving your neighbor.

In Christ,

John R. Schol


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