Online Archives

Info sought for Journal

Posted by Bwcarchives on
Pastors are encouraged to update their personal and church information on Gateway, the conference’s electronic data base.

To ensure that the details in the 2008 Conference Journal are accurate, pastors are asked to sign onto Gateway, the Baltimore-Washington Conference's Web-based data base, and check their individual contact information, the church's contact information and the church's profile.

To do this, log onto Click on "sign in" at the top of the page. A user menu will appear. Click on "log-in."

Every clergy person and lay member to annual conference has been registered and given a password. These people should not create a new account. Those who don't remember their passwords, can click on the appropriate button and it will be sent via e-mail.

Once logged in, information can be updated by clicking on the menu in the blue box to the left of the screen and choosing either individual or church contact infor-mation. An edit button on the top of those screens will allow users to change their information.

Lay people holding leadership positions in churches and throughout the conference are also encouraged to check and update, if necessary, their personal information on the Web site.

These changes should be made before Sept. 15.

The 2008 Journal, which costs $20, will be mailed out in October. Orders should be placed before Oct. 1. If you have not yet ordered your Journal, contact Barbara Smith at 410-309-3420 or


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