In the image of the Creator -- Native people and mascots
Often our idea of an individual or group of people takes the place of genuine understanding. When individuals or groups of people become objects, it is easier to view them within the context of our own purpose. When individuals or groups become objects, we no longer treat them as people of sacred worth. Affirming the sacred worth of all individuals is an integral part of the mission of the church.
Logos or mascots for sports teams are publicly identifiable symbols. Other than a limited number of historical references to non-contemporary people groups, Native people are the only ethnic group still used as logos and mascots by sports teams. Native people are represented in caricature. Often the image is a stereotypical one featuring the most marketable representation of more than 562 Native groups.
In most cases, the retention of Native images and names is based upon the amount of revenue produced by the images.
Comic caricatures of Native people do not reflect the sacredness or beauty of Native people, and many of these images strengthen the misconception of Native people as war-like or violent.
Both the English and Spanish offered bounties to those who killed Native people. The proof was the hair of the person killed. To prove that the hair actually represented a death, it was required that a portion of the skin remain attached. The amount of the bounty was determined by whether the hair or red skin was from a man, woman or child. 'Redskin' then became a term with which to objectify a Native person. Most scholars identify the act of scalping among some Native people as a result of this bounty practice.
The preservation of Native cultures has been difficult. Much has been lost. Imagine seeing tribal dress and dances that take years of preparation and even spiritual training parodied by a non-Native person on an athletic field. It is as significant as taking elements of Christian worship and using them in the same setting.
This commentary is excerpted from one originally published by United Methodist News Service, May 4, 2004. Buckley is now Director of Connectional Ministries for the Alaska Missionary Conference.
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