Online Archives

In the beginning was the Word ... (2)

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Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column. Voice your thoughts on the word at

By Mandy Sayers 

February is the month of valentines and the celebration of “relationships,” particularly of the romantic sort. People are looking for love, connection and intimacy, and once found, they want to make them grow and last.

When we talk about “relating” to God, perhaps we echo Psalm 8: “What are human beings that you are mindful of them, or mortals that you care for them?” It’s hard to “get to know” our God and hard to know how compatible we’ll be. God is, after all, both mysterious and revealing. God is part burning bush, part wrestling angel, part still, small voice. Our history of covenant-keeping, if the Bible is any indication, is iffy at best. Hardly a successful Match.Com in the making.

Fortunately for us, our God was not content to “relate” to us in a superficial way, not content to merely be Facebook friends or a Twitter follower. God took the ultimate step in “relationship” by becoming flesh and dwelling among us. For God to relate to the human condition, Jesus came to be God-With-Us, not just to “relate” to us, but to save and redeem and heal and free us. 

In the midst of this Lenten season, let us take time to tend to the relationship that matters most, the one with God, spending time in prayer with our Beloved. Then, let’s “relate” to one another, not as strangers, but as friends, because of Christ who calls us to the ministry of reconciliation.

For God so loved the world, that God sent the best valentine of all, one we are called to share with friends, “relations,” strangers and even enemies. It’s hard to fit on a candy heart, but it’s a love strong enough to build a life on, stronger even than death. Happy Valentine’s Day.

By Daryl Williams 

If we are honest, we have to admit that the quality of our relationships has an impact on the quality of our lives. How we relate to the world informs, affects and can predict how we see our lives. There are three ways that if you relate well it will change everything in your life.

How you relate to God has an impact on everything you do. When you are in a right relationship with God you see the power, presence and glory of God in everything. You see that you are loved, cared for and protected, no matter what is going on. When you are relating well with God you know that problems are temporary, troubles are transient and no matter what, this too shall pass because you are relating well with the almighty sovereign God.

Secondly, you have to relate well with the people around you. None of us lives alone on an island. We will encounter all manner of people throughout the day. When we choose to treat others with value and respect we choose to show our best selves creating the best for us. Remember, all people are important in God’s eyes and we should treat them as the valued treasures God sees. Giving others your best means that you will never have to regret how you treated someone later.

Finally, you have to relate well with yourself. You can’t truly love God and your neighbor or relate well with them if you don’t love yourself. No matter who you are, embrace it. We all have room for improvement, but give yourself some credit, you’re pretty good the way you are. God really does have a plan for the person you are and the person that God knows you will become, so forgive yourself, embrace yourself and love yourself, then you will be able to relate well to yourself.

Every day take time to relate well to God, others and yourself and it will set your life on a different course.


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