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In the beginning was the Word ...

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Ancient church mothers and fathers often greeted one another with the phrase, “Give me a word.” This greeting led to the sharing of insights and wisdom. Today we continue this tradition with this monthly column. Voice your thoughts on the word at

By Mandy Sayers 

To begin something requires activation energy, to call into being a new thing or a new situation, to change the status quo. It reminds me of when the Holy Spirit moves in worship and we have to rise to our feet, or when the starting gun fires and we send signals to push off blocks and go, or when a preacher has to stand up to go behind the pulpit and preach. It’s that “here we go, no turning back now” sort of feeling. 

We serve a God who is very good at beginnings -- as Genesis, our book of beginnings, tells us. In the beginning, in the start of things, God acted. God’s Spirit moved over chaos waters, God’s voice said, “Let there be.” 

God is the source of initial energy in our story of creation and covenant and consummation in Scripture, going before us, loving us first, wooing us into faithful response. It is instructive that our Scriptures begin, “In the beginning, God…” not “In the beginning, we….” 

As Christians, our story is not one of pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, but rather being in relationship with a God who began it all, who created, who blessed, and who continues to bless, out of Divine generosity. 

That’s the foundation that all our beginnings begin upon, knowing God has acted first, to create and love and call and redeem, and knowing that we are called to respond. 

When we overcome our fear to begin those projects of love and growth that God calls us to, in mission, in service, in love and in discipleship, God will take care of the rest, for “it is God who began a good work in you, and will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6.).

By Daryl Williams 

When was the last time you took the time to dream? I don’t mean those dreams that accidentally creep from your subconscious at night, that you wake up and can’t exactly remember, but intentional wide awake dreaming. I mean those plots, plans and visioning times that allow you to create a visual picture of your preferred future. When we were kids we all did it. But too often, life interrupts our dreams. 

Life has a strange way of introducing us to reality and dimming what were once vibrant dreams leaving us with dull, routine practicality. We give up on riding the unicorn and settle for a donkey because it gets us from place to place. 

Life, if you let it, will try to convince you that you have too many responsibilities, your past disqualifies you and that dreams are for other people. The truth is too much time has not passed, you do not have too many responsibilities, your past is in the past and most importantly your dreams are for you. Making your dream come true requires that you do one thing: begin.

Now that you have recaptured your dreams, you must begin. To begin means to put action to those things that you have imagined. Many times it is not aptitude or ability that stops our dreams but that we never got started on them. When you begin, you tell God that you have the faith and the dedication to go beyond visions and walk in a new reality. To really begin you must remember that any venture worth starting is worth completing. There will be hard times, disappointments and challenges, but remember with God on your side there is nothing you can’t do. Move into the new year full steam ahead. This year dream, pray, believe, begin

Feature Word:
well said
Feature Caption:
It's a chance to express what some interesting words mean to you.

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